\\servername\share\filename.ext cannot be found. Check your spelling, or try a different path
Hello, I have a Windows 2003 Server which is the Domain Controller on my network. On my PC I have Windows 7. I have enabled folder redirection on my domain and I also have some shares on the W2K3 server. Whenever I try to open any file from My Documents (which is redirected through domain group policy) it opens nicely. Whenever I try to open any file on a share (e.g. \\server\myshares\folder\filename.ext) I get the message you see o the title. Whenever I try to copy or move any file from a network share to my Windows 7 PC, I get an error "Could not find this item". Sometimes after I press the "Try Again" button multiple times, the file gets copied or moved, but under any circumstances, the copy or move process takes about 4 times more than regular. The domain user logged on the Windows 7 PC has ALL the neccessary privileges on the network shares. Actually on some of the files he is also the owner. Besides that he is member of both Computer Administrators and domain administrators. Whenever i use the same user to logon on a Windows XP PC, I have no such problems with the network shares. I even tried with the Administrator user (domain Administrator) and same thing happens. I have this issue since I first installed Windows 7 RC version and still have it after making a clean install of the Windows 7 Professional. I was planning to upgrade all my PCs on my network to Windows 7 but, I hesitate, since I have this serious problem. Any reccomendation would be welcomed! Thank you very much
April 8th, 2010 3:26pm

It should be compatibility issue between the *.exe file and UAC. It does not occur on all files, and it occasionally works some times. If you turn off UAC this would not happen. As a workaround, please copy the installation programs to local drive and launch then them.Arthur Xie - MSFT
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April 9th, 2010 1:06pm

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